Wednesday, November 4, 2015

                                            "To do good the best recreation is to do good"
                                                              By:William Penn
What I think that this quote means is that "the best recreation is to do good" what i think that this quote means is that the best recreation is to do good because if you do good you will live your life better and happier. If you do good you will feel good becaause you did something good. You will good because if you do bad you feel bad but if youdo good you will feel good. You could also live a happier life by doind good because when you did good you help earth by cleaning trash that you see in the streets or trash that you saw someone throwing. You will live happier because you will know that you cleaned earth and also because you are helping earth not get any pollution. You could also live a healthy life because you picked up the trash that was in the streets and you healped earth by keeping the enviroment clean and also by helping earth have cleaner air because if the trash was still ther it couldve have been polluting our air. You could also be living a happy life if you do the best recreation if you do good in your life by taking care of earth. to justify text
step 1.high light your paragraph step the justify tool to change line spacing
step 1.highlight your paragraph step line and paragraph space down arrow step 3.double click the double justification button
3. how to show or hide paragraph marks
step the show the paragraphs marks to insert a horizontal line .step 1. click where you want the line to be step the border down arrow step 3. click horizontal line to insert a page border
step the border down arrow step 2. click border down arrow step 3. click box click a border line and click it to insert a cover page the insert tab step the cover page tool a page option step4. type in document title

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