Monday, November 30, 2015

                                                 "Kindness is the essence of greatness"
                                                                    Joseph B. Wirthlin
What I think that this quote means is that "Kindness is the essence of greatness" what I think that this quote means is that if your kind you are greatness because if your playing a game and you are winning the game but you get mad at the refferee for calling a foul on you because you kicked someone in a accident or pulled them to get the ball away from them and the refferee saw you and he calls a foul on you  and you get mad at the refferee and tell the reffere bad words you are not doing the right thing because you are shouting at the reffere and you are not going to achieve greatness because you are shouting at the refferee.
                                                            Thanksgiving Week
This Thankgiving break i had alot of fun because it was Thanksgiving and when its Thanksgiving we get to have time with our families and the school gives us time to spend time with our family. I had alot of fun during thanksgiving because I got to spend time with my family and enjoy aa delicious meal. During Thanksgiving I had alot of fun with my family because we had time to spend together we talked together and we celebrated Thanksgiving together as a family. During Thanksgiving I had fun with my family because we had time to watch movies and do fun activities as a family together. During Thanksgiving my family had fun because we played fun family activities and we played sports activitiesand we all had lots of fun.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

                                                          Dont do it Dont say it
                             "If it is not right do not do it if it is not true do not say it."
                                                           By: Marcus Aurelius
What I think that this qoute means is that "if it is not right do not do it if it is not true do not say it" what i think that this qoute means is that if you are doing something that isnt right you should not do it because it is wrong. If you are playing a sport and you are loosing and you want to win the other team and you cheat in the game to win the other team and the game finishes and your team wins you did not win because you cheated in the game and you didnt win because you didnt play fair. You won the other team but you didnt play fair and you didnt win because you cheated to win. You won the other team but you didnt play fair and you cheated and your going to feel bad because you didnt win the game because you cheated.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

                                                        "Doing what is right, fair and honorable
                                                         is more important than winning or lossing."
                                                                       By: Chick Moorman
What I think that this qoute means is that  "doing what is right, fair and honorable is more important than winning or losing" what I think that this qoute means is that if you are playing a game and you are losing before the game ends and the game is going to end in minutes or seconds and you decide to cheat just to win the game you are not doing what is right because you cheated on the game to win and that is not fair because you cheated in the game.

Friday, November 13, 2015

                               These are the 3 magic keys to living your life with integrity
                                         1. Have the courage to say no.
                                         2. Have the courage to face the truth.
                                         3. Do the right thing because it is right.
                                                       By: W. Clement Stone
What I think that this quote means is that if you want to be a CTR person in life you must follow all of these 3 magic keys to be a CTR person. To be a CTR personj in life you must tell the truth and face the truth because if you tell a lie you are not choosing the right thing to do and your not following the 3 magic keys to be a CTR person in life. If you tell a lie you are not choosing the right because you told a lie and you cannot tell a lie if you want to be a CTR person in life. If you want to be a CTR person in life you must also have the courage to face the truth because a CTR person will always face the truth and never tell a lie in his life. To be a CTR person in life you must always choose the right and never do anything wrong bbecause a CTR peersonj always chooses the right in his life. To be a CTR

Friday, November 6, 2015

                                             "He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but
                                                   a companion of fools shall be destroyed"
                                                                 By: proverbs 13:20
What I think that this quote means is that " he that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed" what I think that this quote means is that people that are nice to you are good people but people that are bad to you are not good people. If people are nice to you it is because they are nice and they are a person who chooses the right all the time. But if people are bad to you it means that they are bad people who always bad. People who are always choosing the right could be nicer than people that dont choose the right because they are happier than someone who doesnt choose the right because they are always choosing the right. But bad people are not nice to you because they are always not a nice person to anyone. Good people are nicer to you because they are always happy that they are choosing the right.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

                                            "To do good the best recreation is to do good"
                                                              By:William Penn
What I think that this quote means is that "the best recreation is to do good" what i think that this quote means is that the best recreation is to do good because if you do good you will live your life better and happier. If you do good you will feel good becaause you did something good. You will good because if you do bad you feel bad but if youdo good you will feel good. You could also live a happier life by doind good because when you did good you help earth by cleaning trash that you see in the streets or trash that you saw someone throwing. You will live happier because you will know that you cleaned earth and also because you are helping earth not get any pollution. You could also live a healthy life because you picked up the trash that was in the streets and you healped earth by keeping the enviroment clean and also by helping earth have cleaner air because if the trash was still ther it couldve have been polluting our air. You could also be living a happy life if you do the best recreation if you do good in your life by taking care of earth. to justify text
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Monday, November 2, 2015

                                              "Right is right, even if everyone is against it;
                                             And wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it"
                                                                  By: William Penn
What I thinkthat this quote means is that "right is right, even is everyone is against it and wrong is wrong even if everyones for it" what I think that this quote means is that when somthing is right is right it means that you are doing everything right but thers other people that are agtainst the right thing and they are saying that you are wrong and are against the right. If you find a wallet in the street and thers money inside the wallet and you find the wallet next to a school and it has someones ID in it and you go to the schools office and turn it in you are doing the right thing because you are giving back something that someone had lost and are worried because they had lost it. But if after you turn the wallet in and you tell someone that you had found a wallet that had money and you had turned it in and they tell you that you shouldve kept the money and then you shoudlve turned in the wallete to the school then they are against the right thing because they wouldve taken away someones belongings