Tuesday, May 24, 2016

                                                                    A Trip To A Stadium
                                        We were all excited ready to see the game begin and
                                       see our team win the excitement was huge the players
                                       started the ball was darted across the field

                                             The game was tied the players ran and slide
                                                   to get the ball from the other team
                                                  the players can feel the steam in the
                                                             shoes they are wearing

                                                 The other team scored on the score board
                                        The  players were tired and some players were even
                                        being more hired by other teams it was hal                                                 You can see the 1-0 our team had zero the
                                       for the players to take a break from the ga
                                                 Zero looked almost close to a clear board
f time forme and start
                                                        to aim to win the entire game

                                        The players came back to the field to prove that they
                                           can win the game even if they start the game not
                                        winning the players started playing better and most
                                        most of the players were being switched with other

                                         The ball started being darted again across the field
                                         to the other players the players watched him get
                                         the ball and no one moved because they felt that
                                                     they had a wall in front of them

                                         The player was alone he had the ball he kicked the



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